Wednesday, 6 March 2013

5 Most Interesting Alternative Housing Designs

Living in an eco-friendly way, by sustainable means and in the most cost effective manner possible is something which has become increasingly popular over the last few years. Spurred on by economic recession and people shying away from the ‘rat race’ and returning to the roots, alternative housing design looks to be here to stay. Cornish Secrets rather likes this idea – so here’s a collection of 5 of the most interesting housing designs to catch our eye recently.

Tree Houses
There is no shortage of log cabins built in trees for use in recreation and in the garden…but living in one is a completely different matter. Some of the highest are suspended over 100 feet in the air – and many are full scale houses in the truest sense.

Shipping Containers
Another favourite since the advent of these mass produced containers  - convert them into liveable spaces. Endlessly customisable, with clever design and some moving parts, these modest boxes become quite a useable space as a home.

Earth Berm’s
It’s not just New Zealand and you don’t have to have furry feet – many people have used Earth Berms to make the most of the natural warmth, insulation and protection the ground brings.

Free Spirit Spheres
Okay, so these sort of things are exactly housing as such, but these suspended balls would make fantastic, warm, cosy retreats in the countryside. A tree house for kids.

Escape Pod
Created from a geodesic dome structure affording wonderful views and feelings of spaciousness, Escape Podz are an amazingly unique and exciting approach to your accommodation needs.

What’s more, Cornish Secrets are proud to present their Escape Pod in St. Ives – providing an exclusive personal space to relax and enjoy the break taking North Cornish coastline.
To enquire about the escape pod and any other alternative stays we offer – visit our contact us page or give us a ring on 01736 798745

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